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Turkey and Pie for Northwest Towers
Sign up to provide a turkey (prepared and carved) or pie (delicious, of course) for our neighbors at NW Towers to help them celebrate Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 19. You may drop off your donations Sunday, November 19 between 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM at the NW Towers parking lot (corner of NW 19th and Flanders). Sign up to contribute here.
Chanukah Care Packages
WRJ-Beth Israel wants to send your student or service member a care package for Chanukah! We will send to congregants’ children enrolled in USA-based colleges, graduate school, professional educational programs, and military service.
Recpients love getting our Chanukah packages filled with chocolates, packets of cocoa, dreidels. gelt, a student directory, a note from Rabbi Cahana, and more!
This year, Chanukah begins on the evening of December 7, and packages will go out via priority mail on December 5. We will need to hear from you to get the accurate mailing address by November 14. Please also send school name, year in school, and any food allergies. (Also, if the student is on a gap year or in the military, please note that as well.)
Parents: Please email Virginia Gitter by November 14 at to provide full contact information, including email, phone number, and permission to include their name and email in the student directory. If your student received a package last year, you will soon receive an email from Virginia to confirm their contact information.
Volunteers will be needed to help pack small boxes at Virginia’s house. Contact Virginia if you can help the weekend of December 2 or 3. Email Virginia at
Thanks to the College Care Package Committee Virginia Gitter and Leslie Berman.
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