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Listen to Select Sermons from CBI Shabbat and Festival Services
And this our life, exempt from human haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.– William Shakespeare, “As You Like It” Act II, Scene I
The Rabbi’s voice is given freedom and responsibility in a synagogue. This is deeply felt here at Congregation Beth Israel. There is great honor to speak in the very congregation where Rabbi Stephen S. Wise began his career and formulated his thesis of a “free pulpit.” Fifty-four years later, my predecessor, Rabbi Emanuel Rose (z”l), came to this congregation and carried forth that ideal of speaking bravely and freely. For over four decades he spoke words of social justice from this pulpit.
In this era, many, if not most, of us feel disconnected from the Divine Presence. It is my desire to use words of Torah and the tradition of Jewish teachings to demand justice and to inspire a personal connection with holiness. I believe that there is joy and meaning to be found by changing the world and by touching the ineffable.
On this page, I share with you a diverse sample of sermons. I hope it gives a taste of our shared journey here at Congregation Beth Israel.
High Holidays 5785
Rosh Hashana Eve 5785 – Finding Hope in Difficult Times
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Rosh Hashanah Eve
High Holidays 5784
“I Don’t Hate You” – Finding Hope in a Fractured Time
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Rosh Hashanah Morning
Repentance-What We Owe The Future
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Kol Nidre
High Holidays 5783
Vulnerability and Trust
Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
Rosh Hashanah Eve
Blessing and Curses / Trust and Gratitude: Amen!
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Rosh Hashanah Morning
Shattered Shards Gun Violence – A Change is Coming
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Yom Kippur Eve
Lo Tuchal L’hitalem – We Will Not Remain Indifferent
Rabbi Rachel Joseph
Yom Kippur 5783
High Holidays 5782
Rabbi Cahana’s Erev Rosh Hashanah sermon, Choose Kindness
Rabbi Joseph’s Hashanah 5782 sermon, Holding On
Rabbi Cahana’s Kol Nidre Sermon, Release from Isolation
Read Rabbi Joseph’s Yom Kippur Morning Sermon, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
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